I am delighted to be able to write about something other than the coronavirus! Today Bath got its first proper snow of the winter. Guests often ask me if we get snow here in Bath. We do, but it is not very common. We may get snow once or twice or a year and when it does snow it tends to be measured by cms and inches and only lasts for a few days! Of course that is still ample excuse for the public transport to suffer delays and schools to shut! Due to its novelty factor, when it snows, kids and families immediately make the most of it and head outside to make snowmen before the snow melts. With the hills around Bath our city's children are very fortunate to have lots of places to go sledging! On my walk today I could hear the cries of laughter and joy as children made the most of the snow we had. Given that we rarely get snow I was impressed with the standard of some of the snowmen I saw! I have included a selection below along with some photos from my walk in the snow - I hope you like them!
Bath Insider Tours