Today, March 20th, is the Spring Equinox. What is the Equinox you may ask ... well it is a day in the Northern Hemisphere when the amount of daylight is at a similar length as the amount of night. The word Equinox comes from the latin words "Equi" (meaning equal) and "nox" (meaning night). From tomorrow until the Autumn Equinox in September the day will be longer than the night - which is great for touring!
The day marks the beginning of Spring. Like many people I am looking forward to the splash of colour that Spring brings to our surroundings. Following the mild and wet Winter we had in England this year some of the flowers have already bloomed and these past few days my guests have been commenting on the beautiful magnolia trees we have been seeing.
For some people the Spring Equinox is an important spiritual event. I was very fortunate to have guests who wanted a tour of Stonehenge today so we got to go inside the stone circle which is normally off-limits to the public and witness druids, wiccas and other groups come to experience the sunrise at this historic site.

As the sun started to rise talks, blessings/prayers were given and then revellers welcomed in the Spring Equinox with music and dancing. It was a fascinating spectacle for my guests and I to behold. I have created a short video below to give you a feel for what we saw:
The Equinox is not the only time that you can go inside the stone circle. Stonehenge also offers special inner circle access when the site is closed to the public. Many of the sessions have already sold out for this spring and summer but if this is of interest do check my Stonehenge Inner Circle Tour here for more information.
Enjoy the Spring and the effect this has on nature and enjoy the longer days! If you are in England on the 31st March don't forget that our clocks will go forward by one hour at 1am on the 31st March!