If you are exploring the UK between January and March do keep your eyes peeled for these beautiful white flowers - Snowdrops. These hardy flowers are one of the first flowers you can see, bringing colour to gardens after the dark Winter. They like damp soil and can often be found in woodlands and along river-banks as well as people's gardens.

The flowers are believed to have been introduced to the country in the 16th Century (they are native to mainland Europe). The Greek name of the flower translates to "milk flower of the snow".
Despite the bulbs being poisonous, traditionally Snowdrops were used to help treat headaches and today there is a substance within the plant which is used to help treat Alzheimer's disease. When I was taking close up photos of these flowers my nose did start to run so there is something powerful about them!
Fun information: I have read that during the Second World War British citizens nicknamed American soldiers "Snowdrops" due to their green uniform and white helmet/cap!
Snowdrops have traditionally symbolised hope and purity so as they flower across the country let's hope they bring in an amazing year for holidays and travels!
