The city of Bath is well known for the remains of a Roman religious spa that was built over the city's hot springs. The spa however is not the only Roman remains to have been discovered in Bath. Over the years as buildings in the city centre have been renovated other discoveries have been made including Romain mosaics and in 2007: a hoard of over 17,500 Roman silver coins which had been hidden under the floor in the corner of a room!
Earlier this week archaeologists made another incredible discovery during restoration and conservation work at one of the city's parks. They found a Roman stone coffin complete with skeletons! The coffin was made out of local Bath stone and inside were the remains of 2 individuals which are now being analysed before they are reinterred in a burial ground. The park was built over the edge of an ancient Roman cemetery. Archaeologists have also discovered a cremation burial and a small pot which may have contained food offerings for a pagan burial. These finds give archaeologists a rare glimpse into local burial practises over 2,000 years ago.
During my tours of Bath I always remark to my guests about what else may lie under the streets of Bath - what will we find next?!
