Having stood for over 4,500 years Stonehenge has witnessed many protests in its lifetime, the scars of which can still be seen on some of the stones. This week saw another protest, the first in many years. Two climate change protestors jumped the ropes and sprayed orange cornflour over some of the stones. The incident saw Stonehenge splashed across the front page of the British newspapers. Condemnation of the protestors actions came from all corners of society.

Unbeknown to many people there are over 70 species of lichen which grow on the stones at Stonehenge including a couple of rare species which this action could have harmed.
I am pleased to report that the staff at Stonehenge have been able to use special air-blowers to remove most of the orange cornflour which could have damaged the lichen and the stones had there been rain. Despite the protestors actions the site was able to open for the Summer Solstice celebrations which saw over 15,000 people attend. The protesters should be worried about the contents of the druids chants at this year's celebrations!
I was able to visit Stonehenge with some guests this afternoon after the solstice revellers had left and I could see that most of the orange dust had indeed been removed. Below is a photo I took:

A number of past guests have been in contact with me to express their shock and dismay at what happened - thank you for all your messages. Hopefully the overwhelming public outcry at the incident will deter future incidents.
Stonehenge continues to stand and is ready to impress all those who visit :)
Below is a photo I took today of the sun over Stonehenge on the Summer Solstice.
